середа, 26 жовтня 2016 р.

the gallery


                                                            12 Phrases using ' to'

Додати заголовок
                                                                Starting the lesson

                                                        After school activities doing

                                                             Present Simple  Tense

Collocations with MAKE and DO

Vocabulary tip

                                                                        Evening Routine

Giving directions

Go +ing

                                                         Gerunds + infinitives

Party invitation 

Easy conversation for your life


Daily activities 

  What ti me is it now?

  If I were you .... 

Regular and irregular verbs 


 Change the world in five minutes- Everyday at school

 Five little pumkins sitting on the gates- Halloween song for children

субота, 22 жовтня 2016 р.


The History of  St.Patrick's Day

Describing Activities

Cooper Gets Grounded on April Fool's Day

British English Holidays- St.George's Day

The Legend of Saint George - English children's story

The Fox and the Sick Lion story

Present Progressive with Mr Bean