vocabulary exercises

vocabulary exercises


1. weaerth
2. rlyea
3. wets
4. midghtni
9. eevnngi
10. locyud

1. focatres
2. ggfoyo
3. artp
4. pertemaretu
5. raf
6. seri
7. ormyst
8. redege
9. unnys
10. ldco

Fill in the missing letters:

Fill in the missing letters:
1. fa_ _ ion
2. scr_ _ m
3. _ _ arm
4. c_ _ toon
5. p- r
6. av_ rage
7. _  _ ot
8. music_ l
9. - - ience
10. bl_ sh
11. _ _ eatre

Fill in the missing letters;

Fill in the missing letters;
1. w_ _ drobe
2. upst_ _ rs
3. bri_ _ e
4. g- llery
5. rest_ _ rant
6. superm_ _ ket
7. c_ ty
8. mus_ _ m
9. h_ _ se
10. str_ _ t
11. mirr_ _
12. t _ - let


1. urscefa
3. erwat
5. voiry
7. Rnoh
8. portim
10. bitatha
11. ronenmentvi
12. enagrd
1. recedu
2.. tincext
3.. oolecgy
4. oncaitern
5 .asetw
6. enxogy
7. ria
8. eergyn
9. illlega
11. suvirvla
12. sktu
13. ragbega

Complete the sentences with the words

Complete the sentences with the words “ bus, “ car’, “ plane’ , ‘ train’,
‘ foot”.
  1. I go to school  _by bus.
  2. I go to the city center__________  .
  3. I go on holiday _____________.
  4. The fastest way of travelling is_________.
  5. Our class went on school trip__________  .

Complete the sentences with the words from the Word Bank

Complete the sentences with the words from the Word Bank
Journey,     travel,     trip,   passenger,    carriage,   pleasure,

  1. I’d like ___________  around the world.
  2. Mr. Ron is a businessman. Every month he does on_______  
  _________    to different countries.
  1. I have two seats , but in different ________  .
  2. Our  __________  to the island was great.
  3. __________   go to by train with _____

Fill in: long, short.

  1. Fill in: long, short.
         1. The snake has got a _________   body.
         2. The Parrot’s tail is ________   .
         3.  Hamster’s legs are __________     .

Fill in : long, short.

Fill  in :  long,   short.
    1. Rabbit’s tail is _________    .
    2. The mouse has got a ________   tail.
   3. The giraffe has got ________   legs.

Choose the correct variant:

 Choose the correct variant: 
  1. 1.Pass me  some salt, please.
             a) Yes, please.      B) Here you are.
          2. Can I have some juice, please?
             a) Here you are.     B) Thank you.
          3. Some bread , Daddy?
              a)  Yes, please.      B)   Here you are.
          4. Enjoy your meal!
              a) Here you are.    B) Thank you.

the missing letters

  1. 1.   Fill in the missing letters in the words:
____bing,     k _ rate,  sk_teboarding,  , __ ampion,  _ vent,
M _ tch

Fill the necessary words : sofa, lamp, window

     Fill the necessary words :  sofalampwindow:
1. The armchair is next to the ________   .
2. _______   is near the armchair.
3. The table is in front of  the  _________  .

Fiil in the necessary words

  1. Fiil in the necessary words 
          Floor, shelf, wall
  1. The books are on the ________  .
  2. The TV is near the  _________ .
  3. The carpet is  on the ________ .

What is this lesson?

Choose the correct variant:
1. We jump, run and do sport at this lesson.
  a) Sport   b) Reading   c)  English
2. We sing songs at this lesson.
   a) Music  b) Reading   c)  English
3. We count and do sums at this   lesson.
  a) English,   b) Art    c) Maths
4. We read texts and learn poems at this lesson.
   a) Sport   b) Reading    c) Music
5. We draw pictures at this lesson.
   a) Sport   b) Music    c) Art
6. We speak, read and write English at this lesson.
   a) Maths   b) English    c)  Art

Match the words to make up the phrases:

Match the words to make up the phrases: 
1.  to watch                          a) down
2.  to listen                           b) to the audition
3.  to surf                             c) DVDs
4. to record                           d) to music
5. to go                                e) the internet
6. Calm                                f) a film

Match the parts of the word-combinations:

Match the parts of the word-combinations:
1. to drive  me                               a) band
2. that's really                                b) board
3. take                                         c) nice
4. steel                                         d) place 
5. comprehensive                            e) school                
6. notice                                        f) crazy

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