Архів блогу

четвер, 29 червня 2017 р.

speaking comprehension

speaking comprehension

Making choices
  • What are the advantages / disadvantages?
  • The job in ... seems a better choice because ... 
  • From the information we have, it seems that ... would be good. 
  • I'd prefer the job ... 
  • The job  ... doesn't sound very suitable for me because ... 

alking about people 
  • He / She  seems to be ...
  • He / She looks ... 
  • He / She looks like ... 
  • He  acts as if ...

Complete the dialogue:
  • Which lesson do you like?
  •  I like ....   .     .....  is my favourite lesson.
  • What is your favourite day?
  •  It is  ....  .  I have got ...    on this day. 
Fill  in : 
          1. - Where can I buy a newspaper?
     - You can buy it at the _______ .
         2. -  Where do they sell bread?
      - They sell it at the _______ .
        3.   - Where can I buy a ______?
          You can buy it at the chemist's.

                Underline the correct sentence:
        1.      At the newsagent's they sell buns and rolls.
                At the newsagent's  they sell newspapers.
       2.     At   the   baker's you can buy meat and sausages.
               At thee baker's you can buy cakes and pies.
      3.     At the chemist's they sell medicines and shampoo.
                 At the chemist's they sell copybooks and pens.

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