неділя, 19 лютого 2017 р.

grammar worksheets

grammar worksheets 

Fill  in:  nothing, anything, everything, something.
1.   There is ________  in the envelope. It’s empty.
2.   There’s __________ in the room.
3.   There isn’t _________ watching the TV at the moment.
4.   He lost ___________  he had.
5.   There isn’t  ________   in the  fridge.
6.   I’ve had a terrible day. _________  went wrong.

Fill in : somebody, nobody, everybody, anybody.
1.   There’s ________  in the room.
2.   He lost _________  he had.
3.   It’s a secret. ______  knows about it.
4.   I’m only one at home. ________  has gone out.
5.    Don’t tell _______ about it. It’s a secret.
6.   ________  has eaten all the ice cream.

       Fill in  : something, anything, nothing, everything.
1.   Give me _______  to read, please.
2.   I understand ________ now.
3.   Is there ________  that you want to tell me?
4.    There is not _______  there.
5.   Can you see ________  in an empty box?
6.    There is _______ white in the box.


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