неділя, 19 лютого 2017 р.

grammar worksheets

grammar worksheets 

Make up the  sentences.
1.   got,  have, I , soldier.
2.     has, She, got, a ballerina.
3.   I, got, have, a monster.

Make up the  sentences:
1.   He , has, got, a clown.
2.   She, got, has, ears.
3.   I, have, got, a face.

Make up the  sentences:
1.   She, has, got, two  eyes.
2.   He, got, has, brown hair.
3.   She, has, blond hair.

Make up the sentences:
1.   I , have, a mouth, got.
2.   I, got, have, ears.

3.   She, got, has, dark hair.

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