неділя, 19 лютого 2017 р.

grammar worksheets

grammar worksheets
Make up the questions.

1.   games, know, sport, do , you, What?
2.   of, fond, What sports, you, kind, are, of?
3.   do, watch, you, What, on, events, TV, field?
4.   you, events, know, What, do, track?

Fill; nothing, anything, everything, something.

 1. There is  ___________   in the envelope. It’s empty.
 2. There is ____________  in the room.
 3. There isn’t ________  watching the TV at the moment.
4. He  lost _________    he had.
5. There isn’t________   in the fridge.

6.  I’ve  had a terrible day. _________  went wrong.

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